Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I want a holistic gospel!

I am being come and more aware of how much we (humans) have sought to mold and control Christianity in the way that we hammer parts of the Bible and tend not to like to look to closely at other parts. I was in a bible study the other day we happened to look at psalm 37 and immediately I saw verse four; 'delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart'. As soon as I saw it I said something like 'well, everyone knows that verse'. And it's true, most Christians you meet can quote that verse to you. But as soon as i said this i wondered 'why?'. Why this verse? And my answer is because even in our Christianity (which is meant be all about love and others and sacrifice and selflessness, even death to self) we are selfish! We want comfort! We want assurance! We want blessings! Don't get me wrong, blessings and assurance from God is good! God tells us in his word that he wants to bless and love on us, he desires that He alone and His word will be our assurance. But his word also tells us that we need to look after the widows and the orphans, that we need to daily pick up our cross, that we need to be holy as God is holy, that if we dont obey God we don't love him, that we are to be slaves to righteousness, that if we dont remain in him we are like a branch that is plucked out and thrown into the fire and burned, that we need to love our enemies, that we need to turn our cheek and let the person who slapped our left cheek slap our right cheek too, and the list goes on.

I want a holistic Gospel!

1 comment:

Lisa Johnson said...

Amen sister!!!!!! love you!!!!