Tuesday, March 24, 2009

unity part 2

so now that i am back from the conference what does this unity look like? I said that it was like a little peek of what it must of been like in Acts when they shared everything, not keeping things for themselves, but giving as needed. I was even offered a car to drive from someone i had literally just met! When she heard that I was going to walk somewhere to get lunch she simple said' take my car'. But it seems easier to walk in unity at a conference where everything is pointing you to God and to focus on Him and His love. Now back home I am called to walk in that same spirit of unity. When I am having a rough day, when i feel under pressure, when others dont sem to be loving well- still im called to love as if they were myself. When it is not so easy to see Jesus in people, I am still called to love- not with a fuzzy feeling but with tangible actions. When someone is smelly, or has a characheristic that annoys me these are times where I cannot ignore the very prayer of Jesus but I have to still love, still give as if it was I that needed. But it can be hard and I think it must all come down to Jesus being our everything. Me not letting little distractions to take a place that they shouldnt have, to make a mountain out of a mole hill.Jesus give me eyes to see the Jesus in others, no matter differences or surrounding circumstances. And guard my heart that you may be my everything and nothing else.

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