Friday, July 6, 2007

Two sperate incidents that God spoke to me through. The first was through a man who asked me to buy him KFC. He was stood outside a gas station and he lived there with his cousin who works there. I wouldnt of bought him the chicken until i realised that he lived there and i thought ' i won't waste my money on this guy cuz im sure his cousin can give him some food from the shop' so i didnt buy the man anything. Afterwards I got really convicted and was led back to the whole idea that i didnt want to 'waste' my money. Isn't that what God has done for me? Hasn't he wasted love on me? Hasn't he poured it out without rationing it, with giving it in moderation, hasn't he blessed me with things that I don't need, that i could survive without? hasn't me given dispite the fact that I don't deseerve it? hasn't he given dispite the fact that often i don't even appreciate it? God has wasted so much love on me! All those times he pured and pured love onto me and i rejected it, i ignored it, i was blind to it. Just as God has wasted love on me, just as he has poured out a rediculous amount, just as he has lavished uneccessary blessings on me, he is calling me to do likewise. To lavish love and blessings upon others, to give more than just what they need, to waste love, to love even when rejected, to serve even when not appreciated. And in that be a testimony on the incredible love God has for us that he would waste his love on someone like me.

The second incidient was the other day when i knocked on one of our kids door to pick him up for kids club. All these kids live in very rough housing projects. While i was stood at his door waiting for him to get ready his little brother came to the door. His brother mush of been about 5 but was wearing a diaper and was eating a mustard sandwich. The sandwich was just full of mustard and the little boy was licking all the mustard off as he stared at me. The house was quiet and dark and the floor was really dirty and the boy was stood there with a t shirt, a diaper and bare feet. He then dropped the sandwich on the floor of the house by accident but he didnt seem too bothered by it and dint pick it up. His mother saw the sandwich too that was open, face down so all the mustard was on the floor and she too didnt say anything or try to pick it up. It was a really little thing but it moved me, it hurt me, it made me want to cry for these two boys. There are so many people in this world that don't know their worth, their value. They have lost their dignity and their sense of worth. I think we find our value by how people respond to us, how they value us and unfortunetly not everyone has been brought up to know their worth and value and how loved they are. If we are told our whole life that we are beautiful and loved then that is how we see ourself too but if we are yelled at and used to blame whatever goes wrong and told that we are worthless then we will come to beleive we are worthless. And our belief of our worth effects everything about us. It affects the way we act and interact, it affects how we look after ourself and how we look after our house. This little boy was only 4 or 5 but he had already seemed to have lost his sense of worth. It is so important that we bring truth. We are bringers of truth and we need to expose the lies for what they are- LIES! Its a lie that someone is worthless andof no value. We can expose that lie by showing love by speaking truth and life over those we meet, by serving and befirending. And as Christian's we need to set the example by looking after ourself and physically taking care of ourself and our surroundingd and spritually taking care of our self and guarding our hearts and minds and not just allowing anything into us. But most importanly by introducing those we meet to the Father's love, to the one who values and love everyone who has been told they are worthless, so much that they will never be able to fully comprehend it.

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